How An Uber Driver’s Personal Injury Liability Affects You
Whether or not a driver is part of Uber or Lyft can impact the personal injury claim of all parties involved in a car accident. One may worry what will happen if he or she is a passenger in an...

Shocking Statistics: Nursing Home Abuse Occurs in 1 in 3 Facilities
During July 2015, ABC News revealed the results of a nursing home abuse report conducted by the Special Investigations Division of the House Government Reform Committee between January 1999 and January 2001. The report found that nursing home abuse occurs...

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Class Action Lawsuits
In January 2016, The Supreme Court ruled that companies that are the subject of a class action lawsuit cannot settle with an individual plaintiff before a class action is established. According to a recent New York Times article, the 6-3...

Eight Steps to Take After an Uber Accident
I recently read an article describing the aftermath of an Uber accident in Fortune Magazine. It was 3 a.m. The writer was headed home, when her Uber driver crashed into another vehicle. In the article, she describes the accident and...

Franchise Pros and Cons: A Guide for Prospective Business Owners
Individuals who yearn for the freedom to be their own boss, but don’t have the time to experience the growing pains of a new business may want to consider a franchise. The time it takes to open a franchise business...

Child Custody: What Your Child Custody Arrangement Means for Your Tax Return
Now that the holidays are over, you may be ready to start your taxes. You’ve collected your W-2, 1099’s and other documents. You have last year’s tax form for guidance. But, if you’ve gotten divorced in the last year, this...

What a Child Won’t Tell: Recognizing the Signs of Sex Abuse in Children
Each year, U.S. police departments receive as many as 80,000 reports of sexual abuse against children. However, the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry reports that this number is an underestimate. Many children who are abused are afraid to...

Not Just for New Year’s Eve: Safe Ride Programs
New Year’s Eve is a night for celebrating the end of one year and the beginning of another, but celebrations also mean that New Year’s Eve is one of the most dangerous driving nights of the year. If you plan...

‘Tis the Season: How to Avoid Drunk Drivers during the Holidays
More than one-third of fatal alcohol-related crashes these accidents occurred between Thanksgiving Eve and New Year’s Day. Many of us travel during the holidays. We want to spend time with our family and friends, but we also want to reach...

Whistleblowers, Beware: Most Claims End In Disappointment
To many, whistleblowers are akin to folk heroes. After all, the result of many famous whistleblowers coming forward yielded a number of earth shattering decisions in court. Had these individuals not come forward then much of the fraud and corruption...