Category: Vehicle Accidents

Can an iPhone Update Prevent Distracted Driving Accidents?
This this past August, representatives from Apple appeared in court to argue that the company was not responsible for injuries a plaiantiff sustained due to a distracted driving accident caused by another driver who was texting on an iPhone when the...

Main Causes of Teen Distracted Driving Accidents
Although, the “100 Deadliest Days” for drivers- the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day- is over, the distracted driving problem is not. With a new school year starting, more teens will on the road, whether it’s commuting back and...

Winterize Your Car and Your Behavior To Prevent Weather-Related Car Accidents
According to, weather-related car accidents kill about 5,900 Americans each year. That’s more than the number of fatalities from natural weather-disasters. The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) reported that rain and wet pavements are the main culprit of...

Protect Your Child from Bicycle Accident Injuries This Fall
It’s fall. For children, this means that school is back in session and playtime is delayed until after the final bell. The rush hour brings more vehicles on the road, and it begins to get dark earlier. The increased traffic...

Using Technology to Prevent School Bus Accidents
September is synonymous with the start of a new school year. Like back to school shopping, back to school safety is at the forefront of parent’s minds. While USA Today reports that school bus accidents are rare, school bus safety...

Distracted Driving Awareness Month 2017: What’s Trending
It’s April- National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. The National Safety Council designates this month as a time to spread awareness about the deadly epidemic. According to, more than 3,100 people were killed and 431,000 were injured in distracted driving car...

Will New Software Increase Employer Auto Accident Liability?
Is Office 365 vehicle integration a distracted driving accident waiting to happen? Human Resource Executive Online recently reported that Microsoft was introducing Office 365 connectivity to 2017 Mercedes-Benz production vehicles. The application would be accessed through a dashboard infotainment system...

Holiday Travel Rises Despite Train and Bus Accidents
Orbitz estimates that three quarters of Americans will travel during the 2016 holiday season. Between Thanksgiving Day and New Year’s Day, millions of American will take to the sky, roads and rails to spend time with loved ones or take...

Black Friday Car Accidents Are No Bargain
Will you be shopping on Black Friday? Many Americans consider the day after Thanksgiving to be the traditional start of the Holiday shopping season. They advantage of the day off from work to scout for the best bargains. While retailers...