Tag: distracted driving

Main Causes of Teen Distracted Driving Accidents
Although, the “100 Deadliest Days” for drivers- the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day- is over, the distracted driving problem is not. With a new school year starting, more teens will on the road, whether it’s commuting back and...

Distracted Driving Awareness Month 2017: What’s Trending
It’s April- National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. The National Safety Council designates this month as a time to spread awareness about the deadly epidemic. According to Distraction.gov, more than 3,100 people were killed and 431,000 were injured in distracted driving car...

Employer Liability For Distracted Driving
Employers are responsible for ensuring their employees adhere to the applicable federal agency regulations and federal, state and municipal laws, according to the National Safety Council. (NSC) This includes distracted driving laws. Employees who cause an accident as a result...

Distracted Driving Lawsuit Filed Against Snapchat
A Georgia man injured by a distracted driver recently filed a distracted driving lawsuit against the messaging application (app) “Snapchat.” The lawsuit claims that the app promotes distracted driving and was a contributing factor in the 2015 accident that caused...