Tag: auto accident lawyer

Winterize Your Car and Your Behavior To Prevent Weather-Related Car Accidents
According to Weather.com, weather-related car accidents kill about 5,900 Americans each year. That’s more than the number of fatalities from natural weather-disasters. The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) reported that rain and wet pavements are the main culprit of...

Distracted Driving Awareness Month 2017: What’s Trending
It’s April- National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. The National Safety Council designates this month as a time to spread awareness about the deadly epidemic. According to Distraction.gov, more than 3,100 people were killed and 431,000 were injured in distracted driving car...

Will New Software Increase Employer Auto Accident Liability?
Is Office 365 vehicle integration a distracted driving accident waiting to happen? Human Resource Executive Online recently reported that Microsoft was introducing Office 365 connectivity to 2017 Mercedes-Benz production vehicles. The application would be accessed through a dashboard infotainment system...

Who is Responsible for Self-driving Car Accidents?
According to Alert Driving, 90% of auto accidents are caused by human error. This means that the driver of either vehicle is responsible for the car accident. However, modern technology now allows for a car to be driven autonomously, without...