Did I Really Need a Testosterone Supplement?
If you watch TV, you’ve probably seen an advertisement for AndroGel, Axiron or another testosterone product. The commercials feature men who are feeling fatigued, have gained weight, or lost their sex drive. They attribute these symptoms to a condition called...

Law Firm Investigates Claims That Abilify Causes Compulsive Gambling
Abilify or Aripiprazole was developed by Japan’s Otsuka Pharmaceutical Company and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2002 for the treatment of depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and irritability associated with autism. In the U.S., the drug is...

AndroGel: What You Need to Know About the History of Testosterone Therapy
Our Drug Safety Legal Team believes that patient undergoing low-t therapy have a right to know all the risks associated with testosterone treatment. Testosterone is responsible for male sexual drive and masculine characteristics like facial hair, large muscles, and low...

Can Fracking Revive Pennsylvania’s Industrial Base?
Hydraulic fracturing—“fracking,” as it’s commonly called—isn’t a new technology, but the technique is still a newcomer to Pennsylvania. Using high-pressure fluid to break through layers of brittle shale rock underground releases pockets of natural gas. Although the extensive Marcellus Shale...

Is Fracking Still “Safe Enough”? New Report Links Radioactivity.
The big news last month is that radioactive contamination in a Pennsylvania creek is almost certainly due to an out-of-control fracking industry. Here’s the essential background you need to know A team of researchers led by a Duke University professor...

Handling Adoptions
Any area of the law can provide satisfaction to the practitioner for a job well done, especially if the client is contented with the result. In most of these cases, however, there is usually one side who does not share...

The Dangers of Insider Trading and What You Can Do About It
Insider trading is against the law. When an insider, who has information about a company or particular investment, makes a securities trade based on privileged information it undermines the faith people have in the market and it potentially harms investors...

3 Things You May Not Know About the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act
Four years ago this month, the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act became law in the United States. The law was an important expansion of the 1969 federal hate crime law and one that is important...

Will Pennsylvania’s Hunting and Fishing Industries Survive the Fracking Boom?
Pennsylvania is—and long has been—a beautiful and pleasant place to live, to work, and to play. No doubt everyone hopes it will remain so for the future. But there are troubling signs that changes are underway to diminish our Commonwealth’s...

Divorce Mediation and Emotion
Going through a divorce is one of the most emotionally charged periods of your life. You are at once confused, overwhelmed, fearful, furious, lonely, and filled with righteous indignation and hate. The trust you once had in your spouse has...