Prenuptial Agreements rise among Millennial Women
Popular culture often portrayed prenuptial agreements (prenups) as a means for men to protect their money and assets from “gold-diggers. Fans of the comedy Seinfeld may recall the episode when Kramer recommended George ask his fiancée Susan for a prenup...

Estate Planning: Another lesson we can learn from Prince
The death of legendary musician Prince was shocking and unexpected. At just 57 years-old, it was anticipated that he would have many more years ahead of him. The world was not prepared for death of the Grammy-award winner. Unfortunately, neither...

New Technology May Help Prevent Truck Accidents
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is using a new high-tech warning system to prevent trucks and buses from crashing into bridges and overpasses that are not high enough to accommodate the vehicle, reported Time Warner Cable News. The...

Graduation Parties: A PA Parent’s Guide to Discussing Drinking and Driving
Graduation parties are difficult for parents. Your child deserves to celebrate his or her accomplishment with friends, but parents worry that partying will include alcohol and underage-drinking. You worry that your child will drink or, even worse, drink and drive....

Employer Liability For Distracted Driving
Employers are responsible for ensuring their employees adhere to the applicable federal agency regulations and federal, state and municipal laws, according to the National Safety Council. (NSC) This includes distracted driving laws. Employees who cause an accident as a result...

Detergent Pods one of many Deceptively Packaged Products
Detergent pod poisoning is still a major concern, according to a recent ABC News story. The April 2016 story highlighted the results of a new study published in in the Pediatrics Medical Journal. The study found that childhood exposure to...

Distracted Driving Lawsuit Filed Against Snapchat
A Georgia man injured by a distracted driver recently filed a distracted driving lawsuit against the messaging application (app) “Snapchat.” The lawsuit claims that the app promotes distracted driving and was a contributing factor in the 2015 accident that caused...

Why PA Sex Abuse Victims Don’t Come Forward
Sexual assault is the most under reported crime. According to Rape Abuse And Incest National Network at least 68% of all incidents are not reported. There are many reasons why victims of sexual abuse don’t come forward and report the...

Detergent Pods: Time-saving or Life-threatening?
Detergent pods can be a blessing for individuals who have a difficult time measuring the right amount of laundry detergent. But can these little packets that save time and prevent mess be harmful for your little “blessing”? Almost 8,200 children...

Flavored Vapes: The Poison Apple for Children
Electronic cigarettes, also known as vapes, are an increasingly popular alternative to traditional cigarettes for adults. A recent CBS6 report suggested that hundreds of children under six are suffering vape poisoning—what’s more alarming is that this is not from second-hand...