Main Causes of Teen Distracted Driving Accidents
Although, the “100 Deadliest Days” for drivers- the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day- is over, the distracted driving problem is not. With a new school year starting, more teens will on the road, whether it’s commuting back and...

Divorce Lawyers See Spike in Filings During March
March can be a month of transitioning. Winter ends and Spring officially beings. However, for many families, March can bring about more changes than just the season. A University of Washington study found that March is one of two biannual...

Pool Safety Facts
Keeping Children Safe As a parent, your number one priority is keeping your child safe. This is especially true when they are involved in water activities. An accident can happen at any moment, so it is crucial to supervise your...

Winterize Your Car and Your Behavior To Prevent Weather-Related Car Accidents
According to Weather.com, weather-related car accidents kill about 5,900 Americans each year. That’s more than the number of fatalities from natural weather-disasters. The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) reported that rain and wet pavements are the main culprit of...

Don’t Let Slip and Fall Accidents Ruin Your Holiday Party
Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year’s Eve: These are just some of the occasions to throw a party this time of year. Party guests have a reasonable expectation of not getting injured, FindLaw suggests. This means that the party host has...

Preventing Workplace Injuries
A previous post reported that there were 4,379 fatal workplace injuries and illnesses in the private industry during 2015. Additionally, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that there were 2.9 million nonfatal private industry workplace injuries. A recent Chicago Now...

Protect Your Child from Bicycle Accident Injuries This Fall
It’s fall. For children, this means that school is back in session and playtime is delayed until after the final bell. The rush hour brings more vehicles on the road, and it begins to get dark earlier. The increased traffic...

Using Technology to Prevent School Bus Accidents
September is synonymous with the start of a new school year. Like back to school shopping, back to school safety is at the forefront of parent’s minds. While USA Today reports that school bus accidents are rare, school bus safety...

Most Common OSHA Violations and Frequently Reported Workplace Injuries
Workers entitled to a reasonable expectation of safety during the workday. Employees entrust that employers take the necessary steps to prevent workplace injuries. Employers are required to follow a set of safety guidelines. Failure to take proper safety precautions can...