Category: Spotlight

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distracted driving lawsuit

Employer Liability For Distracted Driving

Employers are responsible for ensuring their employees adhere to the applicable federal agency regulations and federal, state and municipal laws, according to the National Safety Council. (NSC) This includes distracted driving laws. Employees who cause an accident as a result...

distracted driving lawsuit

Distracted Driving Lawsuit Filed Against Snapchat

A Georgia man injured by a distracted driver recently filed a distracted driving lawsuit against the messaging application (app) “Snapchat.” The lawsuit claims that the app promotes distracted driving and was a contributing factor in the 2015 accident that caused...

child sex abuse prevention

Why PA Sex Abuse Victims Don’t Come Forward

Sexual assault is the most under reported crime.  According to Rape Abuse And Incest National Network at least 68% of all incidents are not reported.  There are many reasons why victims of sexual abuse don’t come forward and report the...

Vape Pen

Flavored Vapes: The Poison Apple for Children

Electronic cigarettes, also known as vapes, are an increasingly popular alternative to traditional cigarettes for adults. A recent CBS6 report suggested that hundreds of children under six are suffering vape poisoning—what’s more alarming is that this is not from second-hand...

Eight Steps to Take After an Uber Accident

I recently read an article describing the aftermath of an Uber accident in Fortune Magazine. It was 3 a.m. The writer was headed home, when her Uber driver crashed into another vehicle. In the article, she describes the accident and...

Whistleblowers, Beware: Most Claims End In Disappointment

To many, whistleblowers are akin to folk heroes. After all, the result of many famous whistleblowers coming forward yielded a number of earth shattering decisions in court. Had these individuals not come forward then much of the fraud and corruption...

AUA Warns Testosterone Drugs May Be Dangerous

The American Urological Association has published a statement on testosterone therapy after an FDA safety communication warning of potential cardiovascular risks.   The American Urological Association is an organization of medical doctors who research and treat diseases of the male...

Top Causes of Bike Accidents

Top Reasons Pennsylvania Bicycle Accidents Occur: As gas expenses rise, so is the usage of bicycles as a kind of transportation. Bicycling is incredible work out, it’s remarkable for nature, and there are no deferrals made by significant action. Of...

Is Fracking Still “Safe Enough”? New Report Links Radioactivity.

The big news last month is that radioactive contamination in a Pennsylvania creek is almost certainly due to an out-of-control fracking industry. Here’s the essential background you need to know A team of researchers led by a Duke University professor...